I help busy moms cultivate their own most beautiful, healthy selves, inside and out!

So what is healthy living? Of course it looks a little different for everyone, but generally it means being able to become the best version of yourself.  So what is the best version of you?  If you could change anything you wanted, what would your life look like ten years from now? Would you be a well rested, patient person?  Would your Body Mass Index be on the low end of normal for your height?  Would you be an extraordinary spouse to your partner, still drunk in love like the day you met?  Would you have more time and energy to be present and fun for your kids?  Would you be more financially stable, or even wealthy?  Would your body be free of aches, pains, and disease?  What would this life look like for you?  Don’t be afraid to dream big!

Mom on hike with baby in carrier.

Now that you know who you want to be, the question is, how will you get there?  You need to make a plan and set goals, of course!  If you want to be a person who’s in really great shape, then your goal might be to work out regularly.  If you want to be healthy and disease free, your goal might be to change your eating habits.  

Once you have all your goals figured out, you need to pick one, JUST ONE, usually the easiest or most important one, to start with first.  The key to success here, is to master one goal at a time, make it a habit, before moving onto the next.  If you try to do too many things all at once, you will find yourself overwhelmed and unable to anything at all!  Once you have picked your first goal, plan out your daily do’s for achieving that goal.  If your plan is to save money, maybe your daily do is to start making your own coffee instead of stopping at Starbucks everyday.  Or maybe you will carve out an extra 15 minutes, no matter what, every single day to do some quick stretches or exercises.  What is your plan?

So, now you are ready!  You have a concrete plan of action each day, that is doable for you, and if done consistently will enable you to create a habit, and eventually accomplish your first goal.  Then you’ll move on to the next.  This, my friends, is Healthy Living!

My hope is that you will find useful information here to help you identify your goals, narrow them down, and enact a doable plans of action and daily do’s to eventually achieve your healthy living goals!  Let’s do this!

What You’ll Find at KT Healthy Living: